3D格闘ゲーム「鉄拳」シリーズ最新作 「鉄拳8」につきまして、
We coordinated the recording for some of the story mode and character soundtracks for the invigorating 3D fighting game, Tekken 8, which was released on January 26th!
We hope that you enjoy the game along with the soundtracks, which paint an exciting and humanistic story mode!
Strings: 門脇大輔ストリングス Daisuke Kadowaki’s Strings
Choir: 東京混声合唱団 The Philharmonic Chorus of Tokyo
Solo Sop.: 遠藤 采 Sai Endo
E. Guitar: 宮﨑 大介 Daisuke Miyazaki
A. Guitar: 太田 光宏 Mitsuhiro Ota
Orchestration: 竹岡 智行 Tomomichi Takeoka / 佐藤 賢太郎 Kentaro Sato
Recording Engineer: 岡本 和憲 Kazunori Okamoto
Music Preparator / Copyist 瀬尾 高康(楽譜浄書 RUTH <るつ> 屋)Takayasu Seo (Music Engrave ‘Ruth ya’)